Friday, May 2, 2008

iPod Birthday

iGary + iPod = iFun

My birthday was in March and my daughter Christina bought me an iPod Shuffle. It is so great! I love it! So far there are 50 hot tunes loaded into this this little guy. I am wired. All kinds of great stuff from ZZ Top to Louis Prima to Toots and the Matals.

4 comments: said...

Sweet pod! Got any Bowie on there yet? You are now officially a hip Ballardian.

clarkinalohaland said...

Aloha Gary. Tell Christina she did a good job. You guys keep going and try to keep the WSF managers and the folks in Oly from making very bad mistakes that will come back and haunt the taxpayers.
Ok, thats my two bits. All POW! Clark

Lindsay said...

Nice blog, Bob! I'll be excited to check in on the updates!

Unknown said...

Sure would like to update my Blog with new postings but forgot how to do this.